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October 2024 Prayer Letter
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August 2024 Prayer Letter
July 2024 Prayer Letter
June 2024 Prayer Letter
May 2024 Prayer Letter
April 2024 Prayer Letter
March 2024 Prayer Letter
February 2024 Prayer Letter
January 2023 Prayer Letter
December 2023 Prayer Letter
November 2023 Prayer Letter
October 2023 Prayer Letter
September 2023 Prayer Letter
August 2023 Prayer Letter
July 2023 Prayer Letter
June 2023 Prayer Letter
May 2023 Prayer Letter
April 2023 Prayer Letter
March 2023 Prayer Letter
February 2023 Prayer Letter
January 2023 Prayer Letter
December 2022 Prayer Letter
November 2022 Prayer Letter
October 2022 Prayer Letter
September 2022 Prayer Letter
August 2022 Prayer Letter
July 2022 Prayer Letter
June 2022 Prayer Letter
May 2022 Prayer Letter
April 2022 Prayer Letter
March 2022 Prayer Letter
February 2022 Prayer Letter
January 2022 Prayer Letter
December 2021 Prayer Letter
Novermber 2021 Prayer Letter
October 2021 Prayer Letter
September 2021 Prayer Letter
August 2021 Prayer Letter
July 2021 Prayer Letter
June 2021 Prayer Letter
May 2021 Prayer Letter
April 2021 Prayer Letter
March 2021 Prayer Letter
February 2021 Prayer letter
January 2021 Prayer Letter
December 2020 Prayer Letter
November 2020 Prayer Letter
October 2020 Prayer Letter
September 2020 Prayer Letter
August 2020 Prayer Letter
July 2020 Prayer Letter
June 2020 Prayer Letter
May 2020 Prayer Letter
April 2020 Prayer Letter
March 2020 Prayer Letter
February 2020 Prayer Letter
January 2020 Prayer Letter
December 2019 Prayer Letter
November 2019 Prayer Letter
October 2019 Prayer Letter
September 2019 Prayer Letter
August 2019 Prayer Letter
July 2019 Prayer Letter
June 2019 Prayer Letter
May 2019 Prayer letter
April 2019 Prayer Letter
March 2019 Prayer Letter
February 2019 Prayer Letter
January 2019 Prayer Letter
December 2018 Prayer Letter
November 2018 Prayer Letter
October 2018 Prayer Letter
September 2018 Prayer Letter
August 2018 Prayer Letter
July 2018 Prayer Letter
June 2018 Prayer Letter
May 2018 Prayer Letter
April 2018 Prayer Letter
March 2018 Prayer Letter
February 2018 Prayer Letter
January Prayer Letter
Year in Review:
As I look back on this year, it’s hard to believe all that God has done. My wife and I spent the year traveling the country preaching and presenting the ministry in churches all across the southeast. We visited 152 churches last year, and loved every minute of it. God has used this past year to help my wife and I grow closer together and closer to Him. We feel more prepared than ever to arrive in Burkina Faso.
2018 will be a year of transition for us, it won’t be long before we say goodbye to family and friends and head to Africa to start a ministry there. We are so excited to see all that God has in store for us!
Thank you so much for praying for us and for your support. Please pray that God will continue to bless our deputation and that we will quickly raise the remainder of our support.
God bless!!
Support and set up fund update:
Praise the Lord! We had 4 new churches decide to partner with us last month and some money was given towards our set up fund that we will use to move to Africa. Please pray with us, that God would bless, and we would be able to jump all the way to 75% support by the end of January. My wife and I are praying hard that God would bless and we would be able to leave for the field soon and I will be purchasing tickets as soon as we reach 75% of our needed support. Thank you so much for praying for us!
November Prayer Letter
Set up Fund:
Praise the Lord! God has been good to us. This past month of Deputation God has allowed us to reach 65% of our needed support!
Now it’s time for us to start raising our set up fund, there are several major expenses that we will need to save for when we first arrive in the country.
Here is a list of our expenses:
- Two Airplane Tickets: $2000
*$1000 Each
- Housing Deposit: $1500
- First and last month’s rent, plus security deposit
- Furniture/Mattress: $1400
- Washer/Dryer: $500
- Refrigerator/Microwave: $500
- Shipping Container: $6000 *Most of these items will need to be purchased beforehand and sent to Burkina Faso
- Water Purification System: $400
- Vehicle: $12,00
- Language school: $ 1200
- Sound equipment/ Generator: $ 2500
*Will be used for mobile evangelism campaigns in the villages of Africa
= Total: $28,000
If you would like to help us as we save for our set up in the country you can send any gift to Vision Baptist Missions designated to “Browns set up fund”. Thank you so much for praying for us and for your support. Please pray that God will continue to bless our deputation and we will quickly raise the remainder of our support.
God bless!!
October Prayer Letter
Prayer For safety !!
While on Deputation we are often asked by churches, “What can we pray for you about?” Almost every time I get this question I let people know that our biggest request right now is safety as we travel. It may sound like a small request but the truth is that it’s a major one. While on deputation we spend a considerable amount of time on the road. Since starting about 18 months ago, we have driven more than 100,000 miles. While driving we have had blow outs, busted windshields from debris, hit from behind, been run off the road by truck that didn’t see us, seen police chases (we were inches from being hit by a Dodge charger going well over 100 MPH running from the police), and seen countless accidents all around us. But through it all God had kept us safe. In Georgia alone 31 people a week die in traffic accidents. So I just want to thank everyone for praying for our safety, God has answered your prayers.
Deputation update:
God blessed and we were able to partner with 5 new churches last month, thank you for praying with us. We plan on setting an official departure date soon, pray for us as we look for tickets and make our preparations to depart.
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field
–Pray for us as we will be officially setting our departure date soon!
September Prayer Letter
Godly Mentors
Last Sunday I had the privileged of being a guest to the missions conference for Lighthouse Baptist church in Jackson Ga. The pastor of this church, Chad Gordon had a special impact on my life. He was my youth pastor. Bro Chad would come and pick me up before I could drive to take me to church early so that I could help with the bus ministry, he invested a lot of time in me and was constantly asking me what I am going to do with my life and encouraging me to serve God. I have been greatly blessed with many men that have invested so much in my life encouraging me to serve God. He is a great example of the biblical model of discipleship. 2 Tim 2:2
Left to right
Micah Rastelli (Missionary to Bosnia) Dallas Brown Missionary to Burkina Faso , Chad Gordon Pastor of lighthouse Baptist Church, Bruce Barry veteran Missionary to Brazil
Deputation update:
This time of year is always especially busy for us as missionaries on deputation, many churches have their missions conferences in the fall. Last month we were in church for 23 of the 30 days of September. Pray the God would use is to encourage and motivate churches that we visit to be more involved with getting the gospel to the World. We are hoping to buy tickets and set a date for our departure very soon.
August Prayer Letter
Deputation Milestone!!
As of this month we have been on deputation for 17 months. In that time we have visited 230 different churches all across the United States. I am so excited to report that we have more than 50% of our needed support with another 7% of our support already promised bringing us to 57% of our needed support to get to Burkina Faso. Praise the Lord!! We have worked diligently over this past year, keeping a full schedule of meetings, preaching, and encouraging churches. We have loved the time that we spent on deputation, God has used this time to grow and prepare us in many ways for the field. Now we are getting eager to get the field. In the next few months we will be looking at plane tickets and making our final preparations to leave for the field and picking a date to leave, which I will announce soon.
Pray that God would quickly bring in the rest of our support so we are able to leave for the field. Our next step will be looking into shipping a container over to set up our home in Burkina. Thank you so much for your prayer and support!
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
July Prayer Letter
Summer Camp!!
We have had a busy summer this year. I had the awesome privilege of preaching for a kids camp this past month. God really blessed and moved, we had 2 young people trust Christ as their personal savior and many other decisions were made for Christ. I preached about not being fooled by Satan, God’s way is the best way. I’m excited to see these young people grow up and continue to follow Christ with their lives.
Deputation update:
We were able to present the ministry in 14 churches. God blessed and we were able to partner with 3 new churches last month, thank you for praying with us. Now we are starting to schedule our final meetings between now and when we leave for the field next year. We still have a few open dates that we would like to fill quickly that way we can focus on preparing to leave for the field.
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
-Pray that we would be a blessing to the churches that we visit while on deputation
June Prayer Letter
Amazing month!!
This past month of June has been an incredible month on deputation! We had the opportunity to help with the Vision Baptist Missions teen camp this year and it was awesome to see God working in the hearts of the young people. This year we had 168 people in attendance and we had 6 teenagers accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior , and there were 9 teens that surrendered there life to serve the Lord in whatever way he calls them to. Praise the Lord! Pray that God would prepare and send forth more laborers into his harvest.
Deputation update:
We visited 14 churches this month, and also had 5 new churches send in support. We are getting closer to getting to the field, with each new supporting church. My wife and I have decided that we would like to leave for the field in March, Please pray that God would provide the remaining support that we need in the next 8 months so that we are able to leave for Burkina Faso.
Prayer requests:
-Pray the we would be able to get all the remaining support that we need to get to the field by March of 2018
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that God would use us on deputation to help the churches we visit
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
May Prayer Letter
The Urgency of the Gospel:
Carl Henry said, “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time”. This week on deputation the question was asked: “What happens to people that die without ever hearing the gospel?” The Bible answers this question clearly in Rom 10:13-14, It says in verse 13 that one can be saved by calling on the name of the Lord, then it goes on to say in verse 14, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” God has chosen the church to proclaim the gospel, and if we don’t make it known then how can they be saved? The answer is, they cannot.
This has been going through my mind a lot lately. We have a duty to make sure that we are sharing the Gospel with those around us. As we get closer to leaving for the field I am thankful that God would choose me as his vessel to make the gospel known to the lost in Burkina Faso. What a privilege that is, but also quite a responsibility. I am confident that God is sending us to the mission field because there are lost people that are ready to call on the name of the Lord to be saved but they just need a preacher to share the gospel with them.
The next verse in that chapter, Rom 10:15 say “and how shall they preach except they be sent?” I just want to say thank you so much to all the churches that support us and are praying for us. If it wasn’t for your help sending us, we would not be able to proclaim the gospel in Burkina Faso. Thank you so much!
Deputation update:
We have had an incredible month this month on Deputation, we were able to present the ministry in 12 different churches and I had 7 churches let us know that they will be partnering with us in taking the Gospel to Burkina Faso, Praise the Lord! We look forward to another month packed with meetings, and pray that God would use us to be a blessing and an encouragement to the churches that we visit.
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field quickly
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
-Pray the God would give us an even stronger passion and burden to see the lost reached with the message of the gospel
April Prayer Letter
Deputation update:
We have had an incredible month on deputation! 8 new churches voted to partner with us last month and we were able to pass 40% of our needed support. Praise the Lord! We look forward to an excellent month coming up as well, we will be presenting the ministry in 12 churches. Pray that we would be a blessing to those churches and that God would allow us to get the support we need to get to the field.
At this point in our deputation we are starting to look at when we are able to leave for the field. My wife and I have been praying hard that God would allow us to get to the field very soon. Could you please pray with us that God would bring in the rest of our support miraculously and we would be able to leave for the field in January on this coming year? I’m trusting God to do great things in our life and allow us to raise the support we need by then.
Thank God for my wife:
I just want to thank the Lord for my wife for a minute. She is amazing; I am so thankful that God gave her to me. She has been the perfect helpmeet and I don’t know what I would do without her. I am so excited that I get so serve the Lord with her.
Prayer requests:
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field by January
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
March Prayer Letter
Last Sunday I was officially ordained into the gospel ministry. This is something that I have been working towards for many years and I am incredibly honored that God would allow me to live my life in service to Him in full time ministry. I pray every day that God would help me to be worthy of the calling that he has placed on my life. I feel incredible humbled to be commissioned by my home church, Victory Baptist Church, in Loganville Ga. I would like to thank all the churches that have partnered with us in taking the gospel to Burkina Faso, West Africa. I promise that I will work as hard as I can to represent my sending church, my supporting churches, my mission board, and most of all my Lord, well in Burkina Faso. Thank you for allowing me to represent you in this way.
Deputation update:
God blessed and we were able to partner with 6 new churches last month, thank you for praying with us. We are praying that God would allow us to see 5 new churches to partner with us this month.
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
February Prayer Letter
Exciting news!!
I am very excited to announce that next month I will be going before an ordination council to be ordained into the gospel ministry. This is something I have been working towards for many years and I’m so excited that it’s finally here. I want to thank all of the men of God who have spent so much time teaching, training, and mentoring me. Many men have invested into my life and have taught me so much as I have prepared for the gospel ministry. I often pray that God would help me to be worthy of the calling that he has placed on my life. I’m greatly honored and humbled that God would allow me to serve Him in full time ministry.
Deputation update:
God is greatly blessing on deputation. As we come up on our one year anniversary from starting deputation; I look back on the time we have been on the road and can see God’s hand of provision. We had 3 new churches take us on for support last month. We are praying that God would allow us to see 6 new churches to partner with us this month so that we are able to reach our goal, 40% of our needed support. If you could please pray along with us I would greatly appreciate it. Also, last week, while I was preaching on deputation 2 souls, came forward at the invitation and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, Praise the Lord!
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
-Pray that God will use us to be a blessing to the churches we are in on Deputation
January Prayer Letter
Year in review:
A lot has changed for Ashley and I this year. When I started the year I was a supervisor for Home Depot and my wife was working in a hospital. It’s been amazing to see all God has done for us in such a short time. My wife and I left our jobs to start deputation with hopes of going to the mission field as quickly as possible. I struggled with the idea of having no control over my income and relying on churches, but I knew that I had to be able to trust God if I am going to be able to make it on the mission field. I must say despite my doubt God provided for us miraculously. I have seen God provide in ways I never could have imagined.
Every time I needed money for gas, food or anything else God always come through. It’s amazing to see how He has used people all over to provide for our needs. God has used this time to build our faith and help prepare us to fully rely on Him in every area of our lives. I would like to thank everyone that gave, and all the churches that are supporting us to get to the field. We are humbled that God would allow us to serve Him on deputation and as missionaries.
We have had the privilege of visiting 130 churches in 2016. We drove over 60’000 miles visiting 11 different states. We are excited to see what all 2017 holds for us.
Deputation update:
We presented the ministry in 13 different churches in the month of January. As we get closer to the one year anniversary of when Ashley and I started deputation we have been praying that we will reach 40 percent of our needed support. We will need several more churches to take us on for support to reach our goal. If you could pray about this with us we would greatly appreciate it. I’ll let you know if we are able to meet this goal.
Prayer requests:
-Pray for safety as we travel
-Pray that we are able to get the support we need to get to the field
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people of Burkina Faso for our arrival.
-Pray that God will use us to be a blessing to the churches we are in on Deputation
December Prayer Letter
I would like to say thank you to everyone that prayed and gave to make our survey trip possible. The Lord blessed and we had an incredible trip. It was my wife’s first time ever visiting the country and it really helped her get passionate about reaching the people of Africa.
While we were in Burkina we were able to visit veteran Missionary Keith Shumaker and his family. It was amazing to see how the Lord is using him and his ministry in Burkina.
I have never been anywhere with more spiritual darkness yet such openness to the gospel. Here is a picture of the Chief of a village; the Chief received Christ as his Savior and gave property in his village for a church to be built. He is attending church faithfully and leading his village in following Christ. God is saving souls and it’s amazing to see Him work. It was an unforgettable sight to see men, women, and children in a remote village in Africa gathering to praise God and worship. I had the privilege of preaching for these sweet people, and 3 people came forward and made professions of faith! Praise the Lord!
– Pray that we will have a great month on deputation as we will be presenting the ministry in 15 churches this month.
– Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the Burkinabe people for our arrival and He will soften their heart to the gospel message.
– Pray for our safety as we travel, and that we are able to get the support we need quickly so we can get to the field and get to work.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, God bless!
November Prayer Letter
I would like to say thank you to everyone that has prayed for us. We got all of
Ashley’s paper work back from the Burkinabe embassy and her visa has been
approved! We will be going on a survey trip in 2 weeks. Ashley is so excited!
This will be her first time visiting the country. Pray that we are able to avoid
getting sick so that we are able to accomplish everything we need to on our
trip. We will be traveling around to see as much of the country as possible in the
time that we are there. We will be visiting with veteran missionary Keith
Shumaker learning as much as we can, and hopefully be a blessing and an
encouragement to them while we are in Burkina.
Deputation update:
We have had an awesome month this month on deputation. We visited 13
churches this month. We had 3 churches vote to take us on this month so we
are making progress towards getting to the field. In December we don’t have as
many churches as normal to visit because we will be in Burkina Faso for
2 weeks and this year Christmas falls on a Sunday so we will be attending our
home church with our families this year on Christmas Sunday. We will still be
visiting 7 churches this month to present the ministry. We are praying that God
will allow us to have 5 churches take us on this coming month.
Prayer Requests:
-Pray that we have we have an incredible survey trip
-Pray that we have safety as we travel on deputation and to Africa
-Pray that we will get the last of the funds we need for our survey trip
If you would like for us to come to your church to present our ministry
please contact me. We are still looking for churches to partner with us in carrying
the gospel to the Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Thank you for all your prayers and support!!
October Prayer Letter
Exciting news!
We just purchased tickets for our survey trip in December! It will be my wife’s first time to the country. She is so excited to finally get to see Burkina Faso. She has been asking me almost every day if we were going to be able to take the survey trip so she could visit the country, and praise the Lord we will be going.
Pray for us as we get all the last minute details worked out so that we can have a smooth trip. We still need to get Ashley’s Visa so she can get into Burkina Faso.
We had a great month last month on deputation. We presented in 12 churches last month. In November we are scheduled to be in 13 churches. Pray for our safety as we travel and that we can pick up the support that we need to get to the field as quickly as possible.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support
August Prayer letter
- August marks 6 months for us on deputation, and what a blessing it has been.
- We have been in 87 different churches, in 10 states and
- traveled 22,000 miles and have made many friends along the way.
- When we started deputation, we had a goal of getting to the field in 2 years; I am happy to report that we are on track with 20% of our needed support.
- Praise the Lord. We are hoping to pick up some momentum going into the fall and maybe get there even sooner.
I would also like to praise the Lord for His goodness. We have been traveling visiting churches full time since we first started deputation in March. This has been an incredible time of faith building for my wife and I. We have had to completely depend on the Lord for all of our needs . The Lord has provided for us better than we could have ever hoped or imagined. The car that we drive was given to us, our bills are being paid and we are not missing meals or suffering. Every time a need arises the Lord provides. Just last week when I realized that I needed a new set of tires for our car, a church took up a love offering to take care of the need I didn’t even ask. Praise the Lord.
-Pray for us as we get ready for the fall. We will be in 13 different churches in September.
-Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the Burkina-be people for our arrival and that God will use me to see many souls saved and churches started.
-Pray as we are making plans for our survey trip in December. We will go spend 10 days in the country getting things ready for our arrival.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support.
July Report
Greetings Brothers and sisters in Christ!
July was a busy month for us.
- I had the privilege of preaching for my home churches children’s camp and teen all-nighter.
- We were able to assist in packing a shipping container full of bibles and tracts and supplies headed for Burkina Faso.
- My wife and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on July 25th.
- We visited 13 different churches in 4 different states to present the ministry.
- I preached a funeral service for the first time.
The funeral that I preached was for my grandmother.
My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and within weeks before she was able to receive any treatment she passed. During the whole process, all I could think of was the shortness of life and the inevitability of death. There are 18 million people in Burkina Faso, most have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel. Their life will be short, their death is inevitable. My grandmother had heard the gospel message and accepted the gift of salvation, but what about the millions that have not heard the gospel. I found myself leaving the funeral that day with a renewed sense of urgency to get to the field. Our time is short, our task is clear, preach the gospel to every creature. Pray for us to make it quickly to the field so that we may begin our work.
Prayer requests for the coming Month:
Pray that we will have safety as we travel
Pray that God will give us the support we need to get to the field quickly
Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the Burkinabe people for the gospel
Pray that we are a blessing to the pastors and churches that we visit.
June 2016
Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am excited to report an incredible month of deputation. Last month we had 5 new churches partner with us. I had the privilege of preaching in 2 different summer camps where many decisions for Christ were made, including 2 young people accepting the Lord as their personal savior! We visited 10 different states presenting in 13 different churches all the way from Florida to Ohio.
We traveled the farthest that we have thus far on deputation; the longest trip over 1000 Miles. My Birthday was on June 25th and I was able to spend it preaching to young people and serving the Lord at a bible camp. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate another year. Praise the Lord, what an awesome month!!
Here are some things that you can pray for:
- Pray that we will have safety as we travel
- Pray that God prepares the hearts of the Burkinabe people for our arrival
- Pray that we are able to quickly raise the support we need so we are able to get to the field and get to work
- Pray for the needs that we have now as we prepare to leave
Here is what we have coming up in the Month of July:
- We will be presenting in 14 different Churches
- I will be preaching for one week of kids camp
- My wife and I will be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary on July 25th.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!
God bless!
May Prayer Letter
I am so excited to share how the Lord has blessed us this month! Since we started traveling on deputation, we are often on the road for as many as 4-5 days out of the week. We needed a vehicle that would accommodate this much travel. My wife and I began to pray about what we should get. We decided that we were going to sell our small car and get a minivan. As we began to look for the right van a church gave us some money to put towards the van that we needed.
We then got ready to sell our car and purchase the van someone contacted me and told me they would like to GIVE us a vehicle that they were no longer using. Praise the Lord!!! We were given a 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe with low mileage , A vehicle that fits our traveling needs perfectly. The money that was given to us for a vehicle was enough to pay the taxes, fix it up, and get the title in our name. It’s amazing how God miraculously provided for us more than we could ever imagine.
Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Here are a few prayer request for this coming month:
-Pray that God blesses as we will be Preaching in 3 Summer camps in the month of June we will have safety as we travel, we will be traveling to Ohio which will the farthest we have traveled since starting Deputation.
-Pray that we will be a blessing to the Churches we visit.
-Pray that God will quickly provide the support that we need to get to the Missions Field and get to work.
If you would like for us to come to your church to present our ministry please contact me. We are still looking for churches to partner with us in carrying the gospel to the world. Thank you for all your prayers and support!!